The best performance are available from today for your model of: TMAX 530 (2017-2018) with UpMap T-800.
When you match the UpMap with your bike, will be possible to use the maps, develop for the Termignoni full exhaust system Y113.
With these maps, the bike performance and max power will improve by the disable of lambda sensor and fine-tuning of the the air/fuel ratio at all speed range. You will feel the great increase of power, when will ride your bike for the first time.
Yamaha TMax 530
Code: T-MAX 17 Y113 FDN
For full system Termignoni part number Y113 with cat removed. Max power of 39,64 hp at 6.900 rpm and max torque of 4,69 Kg-M at 5.300 rpm.
Code: T-MAX 17 Y113 FDY
For full system Termignoni part number Y113 with cat installed and dbkiller racing. Max power of 39,20 hp at 6.900 rpm and max torque of 4,63 Kg-M at 5.300 rpm.
Code: T-MAX 17 Y113 FRN
For full system Termignoni Y113 with db-killer removed and catalizer removed. Max power of 40,42 hp at 6.900 rpm and max torque of 4,72 Kg-M at 5.300 rpm.
We remind you that once you purchase UpMap T-800 device the first map is for free.
To keep updated on all the maps release, follow our social channels!
UpMap – Next Level for Passion